Chapter 6
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Chapter 6

It had been three cycles that Amnon and Keetha had been seeing each other over lamp light and a quiet meal.  Three cycles of swapping stories and dreaming together.  If one is observant, three cycles are plenty of time to notice if someone is distracted or on edge. Amnon rested his utensil on his plate…

Chapter 5
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Chapter 5

It was, however, not until the next morning that Saw’s meeting with Chieftan Dol could take place.  And Saw was not comforted by how the meeting began, for it was apparently not to be a private meeting between him and his Supreme Leader, but also with Amnon Saxe. “All hail the conquering hero!” Zunger Dol…

Chapter 4
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Chapter 4

The ungreased gears on Saw Yatha’s door brought him back to consciousness and put him in an off mood.  He opened his one good eye to see a medical intern occupying the doorway.  It had been four days stuck in this room where Saw had to patiently wait for whoever was in charge to release…

Chapter 3
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Chapter 3

Zungher Dol looked out over the capital city of Valdrin from the top floor of his tower.  It was a grand sight.  So much had happened in the forty-three cycles that had passed since he’d won the right to be Chieftain of the Merlain people, and so much left to do before he passed his…

Chapter 2
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Chapter 2

Eye Patch’s feet danced down the stairs toward street level as Harold tried to keep up without falling headlong into his master.  The man in black reached the front door and started to head west to the end of the block.  Harold snatched at Eye Patch’s sleeve, stopping his progress.  The inky stranger gave a…

Chapter 1
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Chapter 1

Athens, Kansas lies on the eastern edge of the Flint Hills.  It is nestled between two rivers, the Neosho to the north and the Cottonwood to the south.  Native mythology exists that it is these two mild-mannered rivers, which protect the original town from destructive tornadoes. It was founded as the American fascination with setting…

The cover for part 2 of the Pearl Saga series.
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Shell Game – Chapter 2 – Molly Brandt

Less than a half-hour later, Evan heard the front door open, followed by the sound of muffled voices in the reception area.  Evan straightened his tie and smoothed his hair as he listened to the click-clack percussion of high heels approaching on the waxed floor tiles.  Letting out a long breath and bracing for Sophie’s…