Chapter 36
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Chapter 36

Saw Yatha’s eyes popped open the instant his brain woke up.  The first thought, the only thought, was, “This is the day.”  He swung his legs to the side of Zungher Dol’s office couch and sat up.  Ever since he’d taken on the mantle of Dol’s spokesman, he’d, like Zungher before him, taken up permanent…

Chapter 35
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Chapter 35

Keetha felt electric.  “This was happening.  This was really happening,” she repeated in her mind over and over between the safe house and her transport.  She had to keep her composure because hololenses were everywhere – constantly scanning, continually assessing.  The slightest errant twitch could cause problems if anyone decided to look closely. She had…

Chapter 34
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Chapter 34

“You don’t look well,” Keetha said. “I’m sure I don’t,” Amnon replied, resting himself on the edge of his desk. He could feel the adrenaline flowing through his body.  It hadn’t let up since he left Saw.  He gripped the desk’s edge to keep his hands from shaking.  Amnon wanted to appear strong for Keetha,…

Chapter 33
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Chapter 33

Amnon Saxe entered the Chieftain’s office in the morning, unprepared for what he saw.  Presumably, he had been called into a meeting with Zungher Dol himself of a matter so sensitive that the meeting needed to happen face-to-face and as soon as possible.  Amnon had pushed all other appointments aside and rushed his schedule to…

Chapter 32
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Chapter 32

Saw Yatha watched Dol’s interview with Lillian with disgust.  His device alerted him to the cell’s activity a few minutes after it began.  All of Saw’s suspicions of his Supreme Leader came into sharp focus.  Saw had installed the hololens in Lillian’s cell during her first day on trial.  He’d hoped he would be able…

Chapter 31
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Chapter 31

Zungher Dol sat in his desk chair mindlessly flicking his thumbnail with his index nail.  His lap cradled his device, on which showed the pasty visage of Saw Yatha flaunting his pride outside the courthouse.  Saw was busy responding to the Department of Communication representatives about his testimony.  This event was being framed as a…

Chapter 30
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Chapter 30

Evan regarded Keetha’s demeanor.  He knew he was in trouble, but he couldn’t imagine why.  That’s not true; he would assume he was in trouble for getting outside without permission, but there was no way they knew where he’d gone.  Even if they had the best surveillance system he could imagine, there hadn’t been time…

Chapter 29
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Chapter 29

Escaping the safehouse for the first time since being deposited there, Evan was grateful to get away from Katherine and to get some fresh air.  The air was crisp, and the streets quiet.  Evan stood on the stoop for a few minutes, finally taking in the scope of Merlain’s capitol for the first time.  The…

Chapter 28
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Chapter 28

“Would you state your name and position for the record keeper?” the court representative asked. “Saw Yatha.  Former Director of Prisons.”  With his one good eye, Saw surveyed the courtroom.  He’d never had this vantage point before.  It was different than he’d imagined, but it was far from unpleasant.  Every eye and every ear in…

Chapter 27
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Chapter 27

Morning came much too early for Katherine Gold.  It had been the first rest she’d had since allowing Evan to touch his mark to hers.  Since that instant, she’d been dragged from one strange and frightening room to the next with hardly a moment of peace in between to get her mind around the reality…